Letter #684
Cornelis DE SCHEPPER to Ioannes DANTISCUSLuxembourg, 1531-09-18
English register:
De Schepper and his colleague are blocked at the castle of Luxembourg. They are waiting for instructions from the Emperor [Charles V] concerning to whom to transfer command of the fortress. In town the plague increases, but in the castle, high on a rock, they are spared as yet.
De Schepper dispels boredom by reading and writing poems. He asks Dantiscus to write to him, and inform him when he is leaving [with the court for the Diet in Speyer]. Although Speyer is just 24 miles away, De Schepper must return to Brabant first. In his correspondence with Poland Dantiscus should convey a message to the Castellan of Cracow [Krzysztof Szydłowiecki]. De Schepper sends greetings to Gemma [Frisius].
received Brussels, [1531]-09-23 Manuscript sources:
Auxiliary sources:
Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus
Reverendissimo [in Ch]risto Patri et Domino, domino
In curia
Salutem plurimam.
Scripsimus ad
Commendat se Reverendissimae Dominationi Vestrae collega meus. Si forte rescripseris in
Eiusdem Reverendissimae Celsitudinis Vestrae humilis inservitor
[2 ] Planned departure of Dantiscus and the imperial court for the Diet (Reichstag) convoked by Charles V in Speyer?
[3 ] Spyra: Diet convoked on 1 July 1531 by Charles V in Speyer for 14 September 1531, postponed and convoked in Regensburg in 1532 (cf. Reichstage und Reichsversammlungen unter Kaiser Karl V. (1519-1555), eine Übersicht, wyd. Silvia Schweinzer-Burian ⌊SCHWEINZER-BURIANcf. Reichstage und Reichsversammlungen unter Kaiser Karl V. (1519-1555), eine Übersicht, wyd. Silvia Schweinzer-Burian ⌋)