Letter #5791
Alfonso de VALDÉS to Ioannes DANTISCUS[Brussels?], shortly before [1531?]-11-11
English register:
Valdés sends Dantiscus some Martinianum wine from Barrensis [Esteban Gabriel Merino] for the feast of St. Martin. Barrensis says that if Dantiscus doesn’t send for it every day, he will send him a cartful. Valdés is returning the letters of Erasmus [there could be originals or any letters published in print] as well as a few of his own and the archdeacon’s [Francisco de Mendoza y Bobadilla?]. He encourages Dantiscus to read the letters as he waits for him to come and visit.
Manuscript sources:
Auxiliary sources:
Text & apparatus & commentaryPlain textText & commentaryText & apparatus
Martinianum vinum ad 1531?-11-11⌊Martinianum festum1531?-11-11⌋[1] celebrandum mitto. Quid dixi – mitto? Immo
Vale et lege nostras, nondum ipse venio.
Rursum vale.
[1 ] St. Martinʼs day falls on November 11
[2 ] We donʼt know, if Epistolae Erasmi mean here any original letters from Erasmus to Dantiscus, or any of the numerous printed editions of Erasmusʼ letters. cf. Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami denuo recognitum et auctum, t. 1, wyd. Percy Stafford Allen, Oxford, 1906 , p. 72, 599-600⌊Allencf. Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami denuo recognitum et auctum, t. 1, wyd. Percy Stafford Allen, Oxford, 1906 , p. 72, 599-600⌋ records 13 editions till 1531